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How To Cure Herpes Naturally Forever

how to cure herpes naturally forever

We all know that one person who has herpes but nobody likes to talk about it. Sometimes that person ends up being you. You should not be ashamed of this because it can happen to anybody you just got unlucky. I can say I have been in your shoes before so I know exactly what you might be going through at this moment. You might even have had herpes for ten years and I would know. That is how long I had herpes for and it was pretty terrible. It basically ruined my life for the longest time and I always got the worst looks from people. Luckily I learned how to cure herpes naturally forever and that changed my life forever. Once people found out that I cured herpes they wanted to ask me so many different questions. I kept telling them over and over again that all you need to do is use natural home medicine and you can cure it at home! A lot of people do not believe me and a lot of people including doctors told me I was lying. I know what happened and I know what worked for me and it can work for you as well!

Okay lets start with some of my all time favorite home remedies for herpes and then we can talk a little bit more about my story. For now here are my two favorite natural medicine's that even you can start using today.

1.Apple Cider Vinegar

This stuff was an absolute game changer for me and without it there is no telling where I would be right now. I think that apple cider vinegar single handedly helped me learn how to cure herpes naturally forever. The problem is most people are not willing to try new things and they are always against natural medicine. I think that is a load of crap because if people only knew the power of this stuff they could change their minds. Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat herpes and I am going to show you how.

- Warm up some water and pour it into your favorite mug

- Now add three teaspoons of braggs apple cider vinegar to the mug

- Add a squeeze of lemon juice ( optional for taste)

-Add a tablespoon of raw organic honey ( optional for taste)

- Stir and drink three times daily

This will taste pretty horrible but the honey or lemon should help mask the horrible flavor. And that is how you use apple cider vinegar to cure herpes. Follow this and do it three times daily for as long as you would like.

2. Oregano Oil

I have found that oregano oil was also very helpful and it changed my mind on natural medicine forever. I used to think that oregano oil was not relevant and that it was not important. Turns out I could not be more wrong and oregano oil is one of the best at fighting the herpes virus. All you need to do is add it to the affected area twice daily. After a few months you will start to notice less and less outbreaks!

There you go, that is all the information that you are going to need for now. I will give you more information about this later on. I think this is a pretty good start and we can see where it goes later on. Hope you enjoyed this blog post and please follow us on social media.

If you want to learn more about herpes and different types of sexual transmitted diseases you can check out these sites!



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